Last updated | 14.03.2025. 03:10h |
Temperature | 7.6 °C |
Temperature trend | -1.9 °C/1h |
Relative humidity | 100% |
Dew point | 7.6 °C |
Statistics: 14.03.2025. | |||
Minimum | Maximum | Average | |
Temperature | |||
Temperature | 7.6 °C 03:10h | 11.3 °C 00:00h | 9.8 °C |
Relative humidity | |||
Relative humidity | 78% 00:10h | 100% 03:10h | 96% |
Sunrise: | |
Sunset: |
Moonrise: | |
Moonset: | ||
Moon illumination: |
Moon phases
Data from weather stations are updated automatically and without control, and certain deviations from actual state are possible.
Geographical data Sveti Petar Orehovec: 46.078778° 16.451333° 196m
Data source: DHMZ